
Showing posts from 2017

The Spaceships and Vampires Monthly Writing Challenge: December

Hey Guys! Guessing by the title, you know this post is short story time :P When I say short, I mean short. Like, this isn't even a page long, but it's incredibly cute so I thought I'd share it (*Cough Cough while I come up with an idea for a post cough cough*) So, here it is! Enjoy! (I challenge you to guess her age) “IT'S CHRISTMASSSSSSSSSSSSSS!” I yelled, waking up the whole household in the process. “It's Christmasit'sChristmasit'sChristmassssssss!!!” I ran around in circles, my way of showing that I'm excited. I bumped into my older sister, and stared up at her with huge, excited brown eyes. “Guess what, sis?!” I said, excitedly. She grinned. I guessed that she knew already, but I'm gonna tell her anyway. “What?” “IT'S CHRISTMASS!!” I jumped and hugged her. She laughed. I climbed down and ran into my parent's room, who were somehow still asleep. I grinned mischievously. I ran back to my room and shook my younger sister awake. “Wa...

SEND HELP PLEASE!! (Chocolate) (Yes?)

Don't you think you're over exaggerating a little? Me? Over exaggerating?! Never! I've just.. never seen or been  inside one of those things before.. Yes, you have. What? When?! Remember the Cat Monsters of Canaraba? Oh, right. Anyway, *Ahem* Hey Guys! You /may/ be wondering what that was about.. yeah.. um.. We got stuck inside a small carrying, bumpy thing for a couple of hours! It was terrifying! Well, /I/ managed to get comfortable. Yes, you did, with your head stuck between my body and the seed bowl. I never knew your head was such a small triangle.  *Scowls* Anyway. We also have been put in a giant black thing. I have received word from my very, secret sources- We saw them putting it together and overheard them talking. -That it's apparently our new home. Anyway, enough of that. We have a small challenge for anyone who wants to participate, but we understand that it's NaNoThingy month, and don't mind if no one does it. We would like it if one (o...

What happened?

Okay, so first off, I'm gonna apologise for not being online for twelve days. I'm really sorry, and I do have a good excuse for it. Before I continue, please go and read this post then come back. So, we (not so long ago now, but at least a month or so ago) got a new  JOB! ! Then, like, a week or two later we got the first house we applied for!! And THEN... Our internet didn't come on for twelve days. So that is my excuse. This is only gonna be a short post, but I have a couple (Including posts about Books and Animals) planned. Please let me know in the comments if there are any tags I've missed or haven't done yet, or any posts you think I should read! I'm sorry again I've been absent, and wish I could've come back sooner :| So, yeah. I'll be posting a lot more as we settle in. I'll see you in the next one! -Ralraymee

Entropy! // A Few Snippets

Hey Guys! Sorry I've been M.I.A for a bit. I thought, since I haven't posted for a while I'd give you some snippets, like what happened after  Antara got kidnapped! So, Here ya are! _________________________________________________________________________________ Then, I heard a boy, roughly my age – fourteen – whisper in my ear. “Will you stay quiet if I take my hand off your mouth?” He whispered, and I nodded eagerly. He slowly removed his hand and as soon as it was off- “HELP!” I screamed, and he slammed his hand back over my mouth, but the damage was done. I heard my friends cry out in alarm and their footsteps, pounding against the cobblestone. “What should we do?” I was startled. Apparently there was another boy there, roughly the same age. “Um, explain to her what's going on?” Was that a girl's voice? I think it was.. “Heh, when has that ever worked in the past?” The first boys voice said. “Well...” The girls voice said quietly. _______________...

Entropy // The Boy mains (I'm sorry if this is terrible, I tried XD)

Okay, if you haven't read my last post, go read it, then come back to this one. I decided to Tackle the boy ones (Or at least Blaze), because reasons and I still have no idea who Xavier is and this might help me work out who he is and why he exists. (All of these characters are 14-16 through the stories, by the way (Including the ones I did yesterday I think? Okay, just the other ones I did :D) ) So, First one. This is the Second Main character, Blaze. (I failed at this one so bad T_T) Blaze is one of the most / interesting/  characters to write. I'm debating whether I should tell you his secret or not... Nah, I'll let you guys find out :D Blaze is often quite mean, but don't dislike him, he's trying his best the only way he knows how. He's known of the Shards almost all his life, and he used to be quite happy. Until one day that changed his life forever. But cos I'm mean I won't tell you what happened >:D *Insert Evil Laugh* He and Ant...

Entropy // an Introduction to the Characters

Hey Guys! I figured I'd give you an introduction to the characters of the book I'm writing for NaNoWriMo (More about that later) First Character (Cos she's the second least developed out of the four): Rose. (Wow, I actually did a collage and it was actually good! o-o) Rose is a bit of a silly girl. She looks for the good in everybody, and almost nothing can bring her down. Her personality type would be ENFP-A   and I think it's really awkward how we (almost, mine's a -T I think..) have the same personality types, even though we're different. Don't be fooled by her cuteness, she is pretty good with shards, and can handle up to three or even four Fallax members at a time. She can be tough when she needs to be, but she's mainly soft and kindhearted, (unlike someone you'll meet later on. .)  Her flaw would probably be that she's too trusting of others. Her theme would definitely be The Heart of the Wilderness by Antti Martikainen Quote:...

Indigo's Monthly Writing Challenge: October

Hey Guys! So, I think I'll probably be doing this every month (unless there's a theme that I don't like or don't know how to do) and I encourage you all to do the same. If you do, I'll share the brownies with you that I baked for Indigo (Don't worry Indigo, I have a loooot :D) Anyway, on with the story!! Just a quick warning; this story's not gonna have a happy ending, like allll of my other stories, because the theme is Halloween, but I might write a second one, just because it's so interesting XD The Night of the Dead. I woke up. It was late morning, and Halloween began tonight. I shivered; Halloween wasn't normal in this town, the town of Mors. Centuries ago, in 1692, a witch cursed the town. She cursed it so that every night, on Halloween, the monsters would come out. Wanting flesh, blood and bones. It always began at night, at six pm. Everyone had to be inside by then, otherwise they'd meet an unbearable fate, worse than d...

We're back (Much to my displeasure) (Be Quiet, Custard!)

Hmph, another one of these?! I thought we were listening to our slave read a book to us, like we can understand her language! That's Later, Custard, Have you /seen/ how much someone wanted to see us?! Touche Anyway. Hey Guys! Humph *Sighs* Custard. What? *Sighs* *Completely forgets people can hear him* Look, they wanted us to do another post, so I thought I would talk about our super hero past. *Shrugs* You don't care either way, do you? *Shrugs once more* *Sighs* Anyway. Before we became household pets, we Guinea Pigs lived peacefully in the land of Animali, along with every type of animal out there. It was a bit like the documentary 'Zootopia'.  That wasn't a- Anyway, when the humans - I mean no offence by this - came into our peaceful land and started to kill all the animals, we decided it was our job to stop them. But, one killer comes in the silence; Old age. I have no idea how old we are, but we're old enough to have to stop fighting crim...

Mission: Metal Competition

Hey Everybody!! .o/ So, I saw this , and thought basically the following: YES! YES! Art, something I'm good  at!! Wooot! So, naturally, I spent 7:40-8:08 roughly  allll morning drawing this picture. I decided to draw Ian, as I /cannot/ draw anything other then humans. Also, Thank you so much Mem for allowing anime style! It's the only style I can do, lol. Sorry about the glare from the light, by the way. Also, I took and sent this to myself two days after the post aired. It only came through today. T_T Anyway, I'll see you soon! *Cough cough It might not be me cough cough* Bye! ~Ral

Yep, I deserve this... // Thanks, Jess!

I /definitely/ deserve this, what, with all the tags I've given Jess (read the last couple of tag posts, :P) But these questions look fun, so I'll do what I usually do; answer the questions and then refuse to write the questions until twelve days later. So anyway, Thanks Jess ! :D Heerreee we go! (again :D) What do you struggle most in your writing with? This one's pretty tricky. I think it's actually coming up with a reason for characters to - you know - exist. Everybody's (Probably? I don't know..) had this problem before - why characters do what they do - which I currently need desperate help with. Please let me know if you have a solution for this :D I also struggle with names, and an online name generator may or may not have come out a couple of times... *Hides* What inspired you to write your WIP? Okay, I haven't actually told you guys this, but I'm a roleplaying FANATIC. Honest. I love the idea of stories and I have sinc...

Something Different // 'Adventures' // Was that a hint of a new WIP?

So, Probably by the Title you guessed that this is a sort-of different post. Yeah. It is. But it has a bit of a backstory, so bare with me: This morning, at around Five AM I woke up with something stuck in my head, but it wasn't a song lyric I knew, I don't remember what it was /exactly,/ but it was something like: "Ahead of me is a new blank canvas." So, like any other sane human being, I spent a load of time today writing it into a song, with hints of one of my new stories I'm going to write; Entropy. I honestly tried to do a recording of me singing it, but I couldn't get it right, so these are the lyrics: Boy Girl Both Verse 1. “Ahead of me is a new blank canvas” “Just like the one I've seen so many times” “Can't they come up with something new?” “Oh great they took her away from me.” Verse 2. “You were always right there next to me” “Even if you weren't alongside me” “You once said you'd grind me to a pulp” “But now I d...

A Quick announcement.

Hey Guys! So, you know how I've talk a /lot/ about my WIP Seasons? Now, you can go read it on google drive! Here's the link! Sorry that the post's so short, but I promise there's a post coming up soon, so stick around for that! -Ral

#RebelliousWriting // Quick Note

I saw Gray Marie's post and convinced my brother  to read it. And I loved it. <3 It's so sad. Humanity is changing for the worse, and we must try to change it back. There should be no discrimination, no sexism or racism.* There should be nothing of the sort. And that's were we come in. I honestly don't have much to write about, other than the fact that I'm letting you know I'm joining, and I encourage you to do it to. No to inappropriate themes. No to Abuse. No to swear words. No to over-the-top violence or sexual themes. It's time to stop writing this.. rubbish. And it's time to stop /now/. (I mean, look at Twilight! Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I haven't actually read the books, but I don't plan to.) Sorry this is such a short post, but there's not much else to add. Gray Marie sums it up pretty well on her post. All 'o you should go check it out! (If you want to, I mean...) Also, just a quick note: My...

Please Read

There was once a little girl, and her brother and parents. Her story, or, most of it, started this February. Since, her Grandfather was in hospital, and her uncle was going to work on her house, they went and stayed with their aunt. The district of the hospital that her Grandfather was in decided there was nothing they could do for him in the district that he was in, so they just left him. Luckily, the Girl's Father was a nurse, so he was able to push them to do more, but it was too late. He died late February. A couple of days earlier, the Mother received word from her brother that her Father'd had a stroke. He died, just four days before the other Granddad died. Then, the Company that the Father was working for had to close down, so he was left with no opportunity other than to go to the hospital, seven hours away from where they lived. It was hard for him to find a place to live, but he managed to find a place, but it would only fit him. The other family members had to ...

A Friday(But it's Monday..?) Free-write // A Challenge

So, I was doing something called a 'Friday Free-write' and thought it'd be an awesome thing to share with you guys, bear with me until the end. I've got a challenge for you. So, What /is/ this strange thing called 'friday free-writes'? Well, it's basically were you just write for 10 minutes, not worrying about spelling or grammar on a certain (often strange) topic you were given. I'm going to give you an example of some I did, but bear with me, as I often muck around on the page before we start :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Topic: If you had to choose between living in a world were it's always winter OR always living in a steaming hot summmer where would you live? ARE. WE. READY!???????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes THEN. LET'S. STARRRRRRRRRRRRRRT! no ._. (I started here) Well, I'm going to start by waying up the pros and cons of each, starting with winter. Cons: ...

A (late, I'm so sorry) Father's Day post.

Even though you're far, I always know where you are. You always held me near, I know to you I'm dear. I always know I'm loved, and you to me are beloved. I'm so sorry I haven't done a Father's day post yet, and it's a week later after. I love you, Dad, and I know even though we aren't together at the moment, I know we'll be together again soon. I love you, and I am dreadfully sorry that I haven't done a post since now. I love you, and even though it's hard, I know we can get through it, if we keep believing. Love, Your little Lamb girl :)

I should have seen this coming // Thanks Kendra!

I should have seen this coming. But I somehow didn't. Huh. Rules: No tagging back (I'm ignoring this one... >:D Kendra, we are going to war with these tags >:P) tag four people (I'll tag five cos I'm ignoring the top one >:D) thank the person who tagged you  (Done dat) So anyway. On with the Questions! Bring it on! What do you do to calm down when you’re stressed? Um.. Stressed in general or in writing or..? I'm just gonna go with in general. I usually hug people until I feel calmer (It's true, don't judge) Do you quote books or movies most? To be honest? Neither. I don't really quote books or movies. It'd be fun, but I honestly don't know that many quotes. One funny line from your WIP. *Cracks Knuckles* I'll throw a couple at ya and let me know which one is your favourite. Snippit one: Spring, for once, was speechless. She could usually keep a conversation up all by herself, and a ...

Challenge Accepted.

Okay, so. I saw this and thought it'd do it, as I thought it'd be amazingly fun, so here it is, Indigo! :D (And yes, I know that was fast XD) Hallow, Imaginator. “Goodbye Mum!” “Goodbye, Dear!” My name's Hallow, though I wish people would call me 'The Imaginator'. I think that'd be so cool! I have pale, blonde hair and eyes of the same colour. I'm twelve years of age. I stepped out of the door, my breath creating plumes of water vapour in the cold, winter air. First thing you need to know is that I can imagine the craziest of things. I headed to school. I saw something on the ground, and I picked it up. It was a USB Drive. “If you know what's good for you, you'll hand that thumb drive over.” A voice said, and I turned around. He looked like an FBI agent. He held a gun which was pointed at my neck. “No, hand it to me.” Another voice said. I turned around and saw someone who looked exactly the same as the man before did. “How...

We Did it!

Hello? Hello? Is this thing working? Of course it is, Custard!  You can never be too sure. Um, people can hear our conversation, remember? Oh, that's right. Hello, strange humans. I am Chocolate, and this is Custard. Humph, I was never one for greetings. *Sighs* Custard, we're /finally/ gonna see other guinea pigs and /this/ is how you greet them!? Humph *Sighs once more* We're recording our voice on the strange human's small device. I think she calls it an MP3 player. I'm uploading a picture of us now. I think it worked. I'm on the right, Custard's on the left. I still can't believe we managed to steal her MP3 player. It's amazing. Anyway, if you want to hear from us again soon, leave five comments below, and we'll be back I promise. Goodbye! Humph.

Okay, so this happened apparently... // Taggin' Time 😀

So, I was all happy and excited, because I'd just gotten a wordpress account and was stalk- I mean, reading Kendra Lynne 's posts, when I saw this . 😲 I just got the account /today/. *Sighs and picks up pencil* I.. technically /did/ sign up for this.. Oh well.  Rules: Thank the person who tagged you. Make a picture for the tag-post. Tag three people.  So, Thanks Kendra! 😃  1- How do you decide what a character will look like in your stories? Hmm.. I don't really. I just think about their character, what role they're meant to play, and sort-of do it off that. I'll give an example: One of my characters, Dominic, has been searching for 13 years to find someone. He's a vampire, the son of Dracula. He's a bit harsh at the beginning. He has never really liked his parents, and the feeling is mutual. I can't /really/ describe clothes, but he has tangled, uneven and wild hair, red eyes he keeps an umbrella with him at all times, as...

I can stop now, right?

So, after this post, I will've done twelve posts this year. Woot. Wait, that means I can stop now, right? Nope. Apparently not. Also, Pinch and a punch first day of the month no returns! :P I also may or may not have finished the first chapter of Seasons. If you can somehow poke me in private, I will send it to you. When the book's finished, I'll post chapters on here. But, since part one of the try-outs has just finished, I can't really say when that will be. Also, since I'm nice, I'll give you hints about what happens with the story: –A change of personality. –An unknown villain. –A reason. –A death. –A defeat. And since I'm mean I won't tell you anything about them until you can read it :P Annnd I'm out! Buh-bye! -Ral