#RebelliousWriting // Quick Note

I saw Gray Marie's post and convinced my brother to read it.

And I loved it. <3

It's so sad. Humanity is changing for the worse, and we must try to change it back. There should be no discrimination, no sexism or racism.* There should be nothing of the sort.

And that's were we come in.

I honestly don't have much to write about, other than the fact that I'm letting you know I'm joining, and I encourage you to do it to.

No to inappropriate themes.
No to Abuse.
No to swear words.
No to over-the-top violence or sexual themes.

It's time to stop writing this.. rubbish. And it's time to stop /now/.

(I mean, look at Twilight! Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I haven't actually read the books, but I don't plan to.)

Sorry this is such a short post, but there's not much else to add. Gray Marie sums it up pretty well on her post. All 'o you should go check it out! (If you want to, I mean...)

Also, just a quick note: My Brother, Psylova is starting up his blog again! Go check it out because it's amazing and he's amazing <3

Anyway, See you all in the next one! :D

-Ral. Rebellious Writer.

*: I watched a skit were it was poking fun at pollitical correctness, and 'black', 'white', names of nationalities, 'feet' or 'meters' was offensive, but Gypsy wasn't. Somehow. *Facepalm*


  1. Welcome to the Rebellion, Ral!!!


  2. Indeed a good thing for us to be thinking about, particularly as the next generation of Christian writers. Thanks for sharing!

    1. :D No worries! And I agree! :D

      (By the way, I've tagged you like, over three times now XD)

  3. I went to Gray Marie's blog and read the post you linked to, and I just wanted to say that this is a great cause and thank you for bringing this to my attention! >:D


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