Please Read

There was once a little girl, and her brother and parents. Her story, or, most of it, started this February. Since, her Grandfather was in hospital, and her uncle was going to work on her house, they went and stayed with their aunt. The district of the hospital that her Grandfather was in decided there was nothing they could do for him in the district that he was in, so they just left him.

Luckily, the Girl's Father was a nurse, so he was able to push them to do more, but it was too late. He died late February. A couple of days earlier, the Mother received word from her brother that her Father'd had a stroke. He died, just four days before the other Granddad died.

Then, the Company that the Father was working for had to close down, so he was left with no opportunity other than to go to the hospital, seven hours away from where they lived. It was hard for him to find a place to live, but he managed to find a place, but it would only fit him. The other family members had to live in their house, seven hours away. For them, it seemed like it couldn't get worse.

Then, since the little girl plays on her computer a /lot,/ one of her favourite friends to play with told her about Camp NaNoWriMo, in April. She wanted to do it, but she wasn't old enough. Her favourite friend's friend asked NaNoWriMo if she could, and they said yes, as long as her parents check everything she typed. So the little girl joined Camp NaNoWriMo, and found her passion for writing.

She came back in July, and did it again. Her father was still applying for jobs, and hoping he gets one of them. The Mother Decided to stop looking for a house until they knew where they were moving.

I have said to some of my friends before 'You'll never know how much you've helped me.' Or 'how much you mean to me.'

The little girl was me, and this is my story.

But things are looking up now; Dad's the preferred candidate for a job, so if nothing goes wrong he'll get one, then we just have to find a house.

Love Ya!


  1. Oh my word. Wow. I'm so sorry for everything that's happened to you this year, but I'm so happy that it's looking up now. I will definitely be praying for your dad to get a job, and for you to find a house soon. *hugs* :-)

  2. *Hugs you* I hope it all works out in the end.

  3. *hugs* Praying for you, Ral! I know what it's like to have a father unemployed, I hope your dad is successful!


    1. *Hugs Back* Thank you! :D (Oh wow I just realised I wrote the same reply twice. Woops. XD)

  4. Oh Ral, that sounds like you've really had a tough year. I'm praying that your Dad gets the job. <3
    (And I'm so glad that you could join us for Camp <3 <3)

    1. Thank you!! :D <3
      (I'm so excited and I can't wait til next year!! I miss all of my friends! :D <3<3)

  5. Wow; you've had a sad and tough year. I'm so sorry. I will definitely be praying for you!
    My year didn't start out well. It began with my newest baby sister being stillborn. So I think I might be able to understand little bit about your rough year. *hugs you tight*

    1. Oh wow, I'm sorry about that. *Hugs you tight back*

  6. Also, I think its really neat that you decided to share your story with all of us. Honestly, that's a very brave thing for you to do. I don't think I could do it; tell my story. Its hard for me to open up to people. But I'm glad you did.

  7. That sucks that you had to go through that, two of my grandparents died last year within a week of each other too, so I know what you must have gone through... I'm glad things are better now though <3 I'm sure everything will turn out fine!
    I think this year has been pretty tough for everyone, I don't know what's happening :/

    1. Yeah... This and last year have been the worst so far, I think. Thanks though! :D

  8. Aww Ral. I'm so sorry to hear that you and your family has had such a crazy year... I sorta understand how that feels. *hugs you* I'll be praying for you guys <33


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