A Friday(But it's Monday..?) Free-write // A Challenge

I was doing something called a 'Friday Free-write' and thought it'd be an awesome thing to share with you guys, bear with me until the end. I've got a challenge for you.

So, What /is/ this strange thing called 'friday free-writes'? Well, it's basically were you just write for 10 minutes, not worrying about spelling or grammar on a certain (often strange) topic you were given. I'm going to give you an example of some I did, but bear with me, as I often muck around on the page before we start :D

Topic: If you had to choose between living in a world were it's always winter OR always living in a steaming hot summmer where would you live?

ARE. WE. READY!???????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I started here)
Well, I'm going to start by waying up the pros and cons of each, starting with winter.
-You could never grow anything
-You'd always have to wear TONS Of clothes because it's cold
-Heaters would be expensive cos everyone would want one
-All of da animals would be asleeping, so it'd be hard to get food
-You couldn't fish, as the water would be frozen over
-It'd be hard to get out of your house every morning, as it would have snowed and would require shovelling
-Anything to do with Snow existing
-Hot Chipos! :D
-Water would be boiling hot all the time
-Deadly animals would be out
-Air Conditioners would be PRICY!
-You'd have to make a shelter for food so it would have enough shade to grow

-You could always grow stuff
-Animals would always be out for hunting
-Air Cons exist
-ICE CREAM!!!!!!! :D
I think I'd choose summer, as it has more Pros than cons AND more Pros than Winter.
(I had to cut some out of this as it was hilariously funny yet completely strange. The beginning bit, before I started if you were wondering)

So, my topic is about what animal I would speak to if I could and what the conversation would be like. I've chosen a guinea pig(Much under Psy's advice) and this would be how our conversation would go down:

“Hello.” -Me
“Please don't eat me, strange humane being.”
“Ancient aztechs used to cut us open and use us for healing more of your kind, you strange idiotic race. They also used to eat us. I think.”
“Anyway. What's it like being tall?”
“It's... Tall.”
“That does not help meh. How can I be tall? I DEMAND TO KNOW.”
“Okay okay! Stand up on your hind legs!”
“Like this?”
“Humanes are incredibly weird.”
“I agree-Wait, what?”
(Smirking) “Nothing.”
“–_– You said something mean, didn't you?”
“Look.. Do you want to be free again or not?”
“Guinea pigs used to be Wild creatures –”
“Still are.”
“–_– Actual, wild creatures. And you aren't from New Guinea”
“Wait, what?”
“Look do you want to be in captivity or not?”
“I think the spell is wearing off..”
“Yeeeeeeee think?”
“Quickly, answer my question.”
“Weeeeeelll, I'd likeee to stay in captiviiiiiiiiity beeeecause I thinkeee it's eeeeeeeeeasier.”
“Okie, Buh bye!”
“Wait, what?”
“Oh! Is the spell working now?”
“I think so..”
“Huh, strange...”
“Any more questions? Or can I go use a humane as an antidote for one of my peoples now?”
“Forget it.”

“One last thing.”
“Why are guinea pigs so hairy?”
*Guinea pig waddle–walks off, upset*
(This one was what conversation would your toes have basically)
“Your Majesty.” Toe Number 3 Bowed to the Big Toe.
“What is it? Can't you see I'm busy?!”
“Busy napping” Toe number 1 whispered to number 2. They snickered. Big Toe and Toe Number 3 ignored them.
“Your Majesty, the Kingdom of the Right Foot is Invading!” Toe number 3 said. Everybody Gasped. Somewhere, something crashed to the ground.
“Surely not!” The Big Toe said
“But it is true Sire!” Toe Number 3 Said. “Our spy, Toe Number 4 saw it with it's own eyes!!”
“Have it come here at once and report all it saw!”
“Yes your majesty.” Toe number 3 hurried away and toe number 4 came along.
“I saw it with my very own eyes sir!” it squeaked.
“I have no dought you did.” Big toe said, doughting.
“They had a giant moving machine just like we do!” It squeaked again.
“Really! How Marvoules!”
“What do you mean, my king?”
“They are joining our kingdom. The Queen will marry me”
“WHAT!?” Everybody else yelled!
“We will do it for Power, Eventually, lads, We'll conquer the Hands and the Face too!”
“WHAT?!” They yelled again.
“Prepare the ships! I will go out to meet her!”
Toe 1 and 2 snickered
“What is it you two?!” The king Demanded
“You'rreee innn loooooove!” They teased.
“Oh grow up!” He sighed.
                                                              *               *               *
On the Ship, The king sighed. He was in deed in love with the Right Queen, but he didn't know how to tell her. He was watching T.V. One day and decided to just tell her. So he did. At the same time She did. They got married and lived happily ever after... Until one day...

Library at night: Characters come out of books.

I was at the Library late last night – I had decided to sneak in so that I could get some more reading done – I love books, and, as soon as all the library lights were off, I over heard something moving. I walked up to it.. a book had fallen off a shelf and was laying open. I touched it. “OUCH!” I heard and Jumped a Mile. “who's there?!” I called. “Just, you know, a DRAGON” I jumped and my imagination went wild. All of a sudden the books started to fall off the shelves and unto the ground. I was Shocked and scared, my heart and mind were racing, and all of a sudden... BANG! Characters Spilled out of books, I saw Monsters, Dragons, Girls, Boys, Vile Villains, Spectacular Superheros the lot of them!

Two Characters walked up to me, I could certainly see that they were twins. “Hello.” The girl said 
“Are you new?”
“What do you mean?” I asked quickly.
“Well, what sort of character are you?” She asked “You don't look like anything I've ever seen before.. so.. realistic.” She said looking me up and down. “You must be well-developed to look so much like a human”
“Well.. Yeah..” I said
“So, what's your name? Mine's Sophie, and this is Josh” She said and I gave a start
“From The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flammel?!” I asked, my mouth hanging open
“That's right!” She said, Beaming. Josh Grinned at me and I smiled.
“Can you show me around?” I asked
“Sure” She replied and gestered for me to follow her

“That's the Villain's club” She said pointing at a table. I could make out Voldemort, Dr John Dee, Morgerath, Phineas Vex, Princess Amelia and a Billion others sitting at a table, some shimmering, others looking human. I started to stare, but then Sophie whispered “Don't stare. Trust me” and we walked off. 
I found a really REALLY funny one I did, but I think that's enough examples of my hilarious writing XD

Anyway, I think you get the picture of Friday Free-writes, so I challenge you to do one and put it on your blog!

Some Suggestions for topics are:

-Write about a day from the point of view of a dollar bill in a cashier’s drawer.
-You have one trip you can make in a time machine. Do you travel to a point in the past or the future? Explain your choice.
-What if we were like fish and could only breathe and live underwater? Describe what a typical day might be like using as many water-related words as possible like: swim, dive, glide, submerge, float, splash, soaked, soggy, etc.
-You wake up and everyone in your family is now a superhero. Describe what breakfast might be like!
-Write an ad for an action figure based on YOU!
-What’s your favorite book? Now imagine that it’s sitting on a library shelf and is hoping to be read but no one is choosing it! Write from the book’s point of view, and have it give visitors at least three reasons why they should check it out.

(These were all chosen by me from the website Brave-writer who invented free-writing. Link to the webpage)

Anyway, that's all for me! Time to go learn to code some websites!

Love ya!


  1. This was so funny! I especially loved the conversation with the guinea pig! XD

  2. Loved this! The conversation with the guinea pig and the conversation with the toes were probably my favourites xD Great post Ral! :D

  3. These were so great!!! XD
    Oh my word, I have always had story ideas for libraries at night where the characters come alive!!! *fistbumps* Awesome!!!

  4. Lol this was so funny! And it's a really good idea actually :) I might have a go at doing some free-writing too! Those suggestions you put sound really cool... :)

    1. Thanks! There are more, but I just chose those ones. I put a link to the webpage on the post if you need/want more :D

  5. Oh I loved the stories you posted!!! Especially the one where the characters come to life outside of the books. THAT would be a dream-come-true for me. XD And I liked the toe conversation and the guinea pig and your conversation. All of them were great and funny. :)
    My mom loves Brave-Writer!


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