#WIPjoy is spreading.. and now it's come here... Apparently...

*Gasps in horror at the title and forgets people will be reading this*
Welp, I knew it had to come sometime or another... I knew it had to come.. but why, why now.. *Yells* Whyyyyyyyy!!!
Yep, this is the first hashtag I've ever done. *Flails in horror* Welp, I've managed to keep it up for a good-... Ahahahah no. Not sharing my age on here. *continues to flail in horror*

After a good amount of Flailing in horror, I'm back. *Realises I hasn't said Hi yet*


Now that's over and done with, let's get on with #WIPjoy.

Question time! (Apparently)
Do I have to do all o' them?
I'm just gonna do the ones Slisby and Jane did.

1.Describe yourself and your WIP
Ah... Which one?
Since that question is left unanswered, I'm going to go with Epsilon from, well, Epsilon.
I... Cannot describe me XD. I'm /very/ Bouncy and happy, I'm very social and I /love/ Writing and drawing, Minecrafting and reading. I'm very determined and I always try to do the right thing. I love God and I know he loves me.

She's /very/ secretive, heck, one of the subplots is finding out who she really is. Or at least, it's interesting for the readers to try and find out anyway (Hint hint :D)

I think that's done

2.Your 1st inspiration for this WIP
A dream.. Yep
I shan't go into it as it was quite weird at the time and completely different (worse) than what I've got now. So.
Moving on

3.Would you rather: Get trapped inside your story for a week, or let the antagonist into your life for a day?
Inside my story. For the win. At least if it doesn't prove much, Epsilon/Delta/Alpha would have taught me how to fight.

4.What would your MC be like as the antagonist?
So, Epsilon would (still) be very secretive. She wouldn't tell anyone anything at all. She'd also be corrupt and wouldn't hesitate to kill her own soldiers if they got in the way.

5.A line you nailed perfectly
Yes! I love this part:

She did not want to forget them, as you would not want to forget an old friend, one who once cared for you and loved you when you were lonely, one who once played with you when no one else would and made you laugh when you were sad.
She just couldn't bring herself to do it. Not now.

That is literally the only one I can think of. Oh well.
6.Choose an ideal reading spot, food, drink and music to go along with your book.
Oooh.. Tough one:
Reading Spot: In one of those windows that you can sit on the window ledge with a cushion. That's where I wanna read xD
Food: Ooo.. Umm.. Any food that's tasty xD
Drink: Hot Chocolate. Definitely.
Music: Oh.. Umm... I have one idea. Brunuhville's Song of the North, and even that doesn't sum it up real well.. Probably Antti Martikianen's One Against the World(Be warned for your ears and make sure your music isn't to loud)

7.What's something your still figuring out about this WIP
How to write it well.
Well, actually, I think I'm doing a pretty good job. (At least, I hope so XD)
So.. Not much

8.Would you rather: Have tea Hot chocolate with your Antagonist, or be stuck in an elevator with your MC for three hours?
I'd have to go the Elevator. Why? Well... let's just say I don't wanna become undead/corrupted.

Huh.. I finished.. *Realises is still writing in bold* Woops, better turn that off. That's better.

Now go for it and tell me allll about it. Leave a link to your post beloooow! :D
All questions:
Welp. I guess this is Goodbye!

Au revior! (Until next time... >:D)


  1. YAY! You did it :D I love your answers ^-^

    1. Thank you! :D First. Ever. Hashtag.(That's true BTW)

  2. Awesome, I enjoyed reading your WIP and I can't wait to hear more about it.

  3. Yay! You did it!!! Great job. :-) XD I want to hear about your dream!!! :-D

  4. Replies
    1. Sorry for the late reply, and I have written it! I just gotta come up with questions...


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