I can't believe it!! I got tagged again, this time with the Wisteria Writing tag!! :D

So.. Hi... *stands there awkwardly* Uh.. I'm sorry I haven't been here since May... uhm..

On with the tag! (Before it gets too awkward :P)


1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. (Thanks Sarah/Slisby. Slisby/Sarah's blog.)

2. Answer the ten questions asked.

3. Add ten (writing or book related) questions of your own. (Which I'm probably going to be bad at...)

4. Nominate people. (I know who I'm gonna nomiate... >=D )

1. Tell me a bit about your current story? :D (Who are the characters, what sort of struggles do they face-- anything really!)
My story (Well, one of them) Is about a girl named Epsilon who can't remember the past... *Forgets how long* Hang on.. *Remembers never wrote it down* Uum.. She can only remember the last three years of her life.. and then her friends (from her past she can't remember) turn up... 

(Confusing Riddle/hint towards my story: The Villian is the friend.)

2. Do you prefer to write by hand, or just type it up onto the computer?
Computer, I do have notebooks, but it feels like I don't sometimes :P.

3. Do you keep a journal for all of your ideas?
No, But I really, really should do that.

4. When do you find is the best time of day for you to write?
I have No idea whatsoever..  Probably sometime in the Afternoon...

5. Do you have a favourite word? (Perhaps a word that you think sounds pretty cool to say, or an interesting word with a cool meaning, for example.)
Yes (I have a couple, but I'm not going to say all of them on here). Isosceles is one.. Annd I can only think of one more, but I'm not going to put that one on here :)

6. Do you prefer Castles and Dragons or Spaceships and Aliens? (Or- alternatively; Spaceships and Dragons?)  
Castles and Dragons!!! :D:D:D (And Hopefully, Magicians Too!!)

7. What do you do when you fall into a reading slump?
Well, Sometimes I force myself to read, then get annoyed when I have to go to bed and I don't want to stop reading xD

8. First-person or third-person point of view when writing?
First Person, because I always depict myself as the character and play a game of what the story would be. (The longest I've had a story/game without resetting it: Maybe 5 days. Lol)

9. QUICK-- Your character accidentally bumps into your story's most evil villain- WHAT DO THEY DO?!
Depends which evil villain *Realises has been spelling that wrong my whole life D:* :
Omicron: Be Forced to fight him and try to turn him good again.
Unnamed person: DESTROY HIM! (For turning Omicron bad)

10. (Okay, last question now, don't worry :D) How do your characters get along with eachother? (Eg, do they hate eachother or...?)
Alpha likes Gamma (Gamma is a princess) and Gamma knows. Delta Likes Epsilon but (even though it's one of the most obvious things,) she doesn't know. They all like eachother. Oh and Epsilon thinks that The Master is Crazy.

Questions (Oh great. Time to time myself. I just realised I said the word Time in a sentence twice. It now has no meaning o.o)

1. Can you share with us a Snippity Bit of a story you are currently writing/have written?
2. Is there a funny Writing Experience you've had? If so, What?
3. What's your favourite thing to do to your characters?
4. Is there a time you've gotten so angry at something that happened in a book you stopped reading? If so, what book/what happened?
5. What Genre is your favourite to write in? (Eg: Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-fi)
6. What's your WIP Story about?
7. Is there a book you tried to read but got too bored? If so, which book?
8. Is there a time you realised too late you spelt something wrong? 
9. Is there a time you Hated something that you've wrote? If so, please share :D
10. (Last one, phew) How do you get your ideas?
Now now, I said I'd time it. And I did. 10 minutes (It got harder towards Q.7)

I nominate one of my Best friends, Jasmine at Where my wild Heart Grows , Jane Maree (Again :P) At  Maiden of the Misty Mountains. and Psylova at SilverBullet101

Anyway, Thanks for Reading!!!



  1. Yay, you did it! Muchly good answers by the way :D *gives you cookies and pizza*

    1. Thankie You!! :D Also, thanks for giving me something to post - my blog was dying lol

  2. Thanks for sharing this! XD I liked reading it. I also like how all your characters are named after Greek letter. :-D

  3. Ooops, I meant Greek letters. :-Z Sorry.

    1. Hey, how'd you figure it out? XD But yes, they're all named after Greek letters... Except for the non-main characters, like Betty, who's only really in it for the first chapter...

  4. I figured it out because in our family we take Greek in school. I started learning it when I was about eight. ;-) Your story sounds really cool! XD


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