Oh my Goodness AGAIN!!! XD

AGAIN With the Wisteria Writing Tag!!! XDXD

(And Yes, I finally did a picture and Yes I found it online and stuck some writing in. :P)

*Sigh* Let's do this before I start Procrastinating...


1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.

2. Answer the ten questions asked.

3. Add ten (writing or book related) questions of your own.

4. Nominate people.

Thanks Jasmine!(You know why... Our secret plan is working.. >:D)

Alright, Let's do this...

1. What was the closest time ever your character came to perishing?
Uuumm... (Still doing Epsilon by the way.) Probably when she fights Omicron at the end or when he randomly turns up out of the blue wanting a fight

2. Was your character close to his/her parents or were they very distant?
Epsilon's parents died at a very young age... Who killed them is a spoiler.

3. When was the last time your character felt scared? Like they couldn't do anything- helpless!
Uumm.. I don't actually think she ever did.. *Makes mental note to write that in*
4. What would your character do if they lost the ones they loved/cared for?
She'd be in a boring world and probably kill the main baddie
5. What are your stories stakes at this moment?
Not much... Epsilon's life...
6.  Your Character's friends are all jumping off a dragon. Would your character do it too?
First off, they wouldn't do that. Second, if it were to save said character's friends life, then yes, she would. Otherwise? No.
7. The villain has won. What become's of your character(s)?
Dead, Dead, Dead, Undead/Corrupted. 
8. What does your character want? Instead, what does he/she actually NEED?
She wants to turn Omicron good again even though there is no hope for him.
She /needs/ to Shatter his cursed dagger so she doesn't.. you know... DIE.
9. Say your character has a pet, what would it be?
Baby Dragon Drakkon (WHEN Will I learn that in my book it's Drakkon not Dragon!!!!)
10! You character needs something done imminently, but they are trapped in a cave. Wait, there is someone on the other side who can help your character! What would your character say to them? 
She'd probably tell them to go do the thing that she needs done, then come back. While the said person was gone she'd try and bust herself out. Then, when the said person came back(Hopefully Lotus.. Ha.. Haha... ha... Lotus is from another of my stories by the way), they'd work together and free Epsilon... This wouldn't be the first time she's needed to escape and a friend came to her rescue (Spoilers)

*Bangs head on desk* Question time... I enjoy answering the questions, but not coming up with them. *Realises has a headache now*
... *Times self again*

1. Do you draw your characters? *Hint Hint*
2. Is there some strange thing you do to help you write? If so, what?
3. Is there a time you've been interrupted while reading/writing and gotten so bored of reading the same thing over and over again? If so, what book?
4. Does your main villain have any special 'connections' with the main character? (Eg; Epsilon, Star Wars, ect)
5. Is there a time you've never seen a plot twist coming and it surprised the living Daylights out of you?
6. 3 worst books you've EVER read. 
7. 3 BEST Books you've read.
8. Your character and their friends have to go on a looonnnnggg journey. Monsters attack. What does the main character do?
9. One of your favourite things you've ever written
10. (Last one, phew *sighs with relief*) Your character has the opportunity to kill the super-ultra-evil-villain BUT. He's unconscious, he doesn't have a weapon, He's severely wounded, someone else beat him up. Would your main character Spare him (For now) or strait up kill him?
Bonus question!!! (Only Slisby has to Answer)
Did you like the Plan me and Jas made in order to get you to do a post before August? XD

Okay, Nominatering People Time!!! :D
Slisby!! Jane, Jasmine(Ah-ha!), Jess and Psy

Au revoir!



  1. Hehe, I answered your questions ;P (it's on the same post, just scroll down :D)

    P.S I love your picture! 'specially the colours *nodnod*

    1. Thanks! Also, dangit. Our Fiendish plan failed :P :DXD

  2. Cool! XD
    I would love a pet dragon! Pretty picture, btw. ;-)

    1. Thanks! I literally looked up flowers (Lilacs) and put the writing in XD!
      Dragonbuddiesforthewin! :D

  3. Cool!:)
    I can't wait to read more about your book!:) It sounds amazing!


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