Short story Numba Five .D.

Sorry guys, I keep not doing it and forgetting ;-;

But Hey! This is the next story!

I'm just gonna back up a bit, this story has a story in and of itself.
(Okay, I might've had to do it for school. Mum asked me to write my own myth and or folktale, so this is what I wrote .D.)

And now that that's done, here's the story! .D.

My own folktale; The Miners
Once upon a time, there was a group of Miners. They were very good friends, and they always had a good time, which made other miners envious.
After a hard day’s work, they liked to sit in a Pub. This is where our story finds them. Do you see them there? The Five friends. They look quite Barbaric, but I can assure you that they are not. The one with the heavily smashed glasses that are, somehow, staying on his face, is the reader of the group. He knows more than the others, and educates them, much to their annoyance. So, there you have it. They are not Barbarians after all.
And yet.
This story is about to prove that sentence wrong.
One very small and skinny Miner is sitting alone, in the corner, having made no friends after yet another day’s work. He’d had to move a few months before, and now he is sadder than ever, watching the friend group laugh and joke and drink and drink and drink. You all must know how he feels, as, in some point in this vastly unfair life, you all must have been excluded. Whether it was age, or they simply did not want to play with you.
But this miner has a few tricks up his sleeve. For he had studied under Merlin for about two decades. And his magic power was just as fresh.
He timidly walked up to the friends and said; “Hello. May I sit with you?”
But the Miners’ laughter was so loud that they didn’t hear him, and he walked away, hurt.

The next night, at the Pub again, he walked up to the miners and asked, shyly and quietly; “Hello.. May I sit with you now?”
This time, someone heard.
They talked, in hushed voices, and - mostly because of the Reader - they let him sit with them. He and the reader made good friends, and the others felt envious, This stranger was stealing their friend!
The next day, however, the Reader fell ill. And so, the went to the Pub again. The Miner walked up to them yet again, and this time asked; “Where is your friend?”
One of them explained while the other three joked around.
“Oh,” The Miner said. “Well, may I sit with you?”
Silence fell over the table. Then, they talked in hush whispers, and denied The Miner the ‘privilege’ of sitting with them. He went home, more upset than ever.

Now, you must remember what I said earlier; The Miner had studied under the great wizard Merlin for decades. He pulled out his cauldron, wand and wizards’ robes, fetched water from the well, filled the cauldron and added the ingredients to this dastardly concoction. I will not write the recipe in here, however, as the result is most evil and I would not want that getting out into the worlds, would I?
The Miner looked sadly at the cauldron. He would give them one more chance. If they rejected him still, he would reveal himself as Merlin’s apprentice (For he wore a magical disguise,) and use the potion. It was sad, though, what would happen if they rejected him. He filled a bottle full of the bright red liquid.

The next night, The Reader was still ill, and the four friends sat at the table. The miner walked up to him.
“Excuse me, may I sit with you?” He asked.
“For Goodness’ Sake NO!” The friends yelled. Silence followed for a minute or so.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” The Miner said quietly, taking out the bottle from his bag, he threw it at the friends. They shouted and put their hands over their eyes, though the liquid evaporated immediately, and - to everyone’s shock - so did the glass.
The Miner walked away. He was done with them.
The friends, after a while, continued to joke and laugh. Then, one of them got offended, and started to argue with another. This continued, until they all were arguing. Eventually, they all got up and left, slamming the Pub’s door behind them.

The reason I tell you this story is not to criticise you, nor do I say this pointedly, but remember this; It is far better to include someone than to exclude them; for it is another friend. And you can never have enough of them.

And that's the story! I just want to say I don't feel excluded or anything, I honestly just picked a moral for the story and so I did this one inclusion.

Anyway, I got a couple of questions for you guys;
What sort of stories would you guys like to see? I've got another story idea ready for next week (Hopefully), but what sort of stories would you guys like to see? Let me know if you have any ideas that I could use, or anything the like in the comments .D.

Anyway, that's me for this week (or for now.. ;) )

See you later!


Hey! Hey! Down here!
Why are we doing this again?
Cos we have a secret :P
*Reading from a script* Are we sharing more about our lives as superheroes?
Maybe next time.. ;)


    Very interesting! ;)
    I'd love to see some contemporary stuff.. I've been trying to get into it lately, as I have to write a contemporary short and I'd like to see your take on it :)
    And hello, Chocolate! (And Caramel is it?)

    1. Yay! xD
      Thank you!
      Oohh, okay, so you mean, like, present tense stuff? Like "I walk to ..." etc, right?
      (Custard :) ) Chocolate and Custard say Hello!

  2. Aww, great story! I really liked it. :)
    If you need inspiration for stories I can give you a writing prompt if you'd like?

    1. Thanks! .D.
      Oohh Yes please xD

    2. Hmm, ok... how about you write a story set 100 years into the future? Imagine what the world will be like then. :D

    3. Ooh, Okay! I'll have to try that .D.

  3. Ooh, I liked the moral of the story. Great job!
    Hi Chocolate and Custard!!!

  4. I liked the story - for me it read like an old European fairy-tale! So here's my story suggestion: you come to in a dark side street, there's puddles of water everywhere reflecting pink and blue lights from strange shops and skyscrapers. How did you get here? What country are you in? But more importantly, why does it look like you've travelled to a Blade-Runner-esque future and why?

    1. Thank you! Ooh, that sounds awesome! I'll have to think about it.. :)


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