Yep, I deserve this... // Thanks, Jess!

I /definitely/ deserve this, what, with all the tags I've given Jess (read the last couple of tag posts, :P)

But these questions look fun, so I'll do what I usually do; answer the questions and then refuse to write the questions until twelve days later.

So anyway, Thanks Jess! :D

Heerreee we go! (again :D)

What do you struggle most in your writing with?

This one's pretty tricky. I think it's actually coming up with a reason for characters to - you know - exist. Everybody's (Probably? I don't know..) had this problem before - why characters do what they do - which I currently need desperate help with. Please let me know if you have a solution for this :D

I also struggle with names, and an online name generator may or may not have come out a couple of times... *Hides*

What inspired you to write your WIP?

Okay, I haven't actually told you guys this, but I'm a roleplaying FANATIC. Honest. I love the idea of stories and I have since I was little. I sometimes struggle with character names - often using the same name for different roleplays - as I wrote about above.

So anyway, back to the question.

I was doing a roleplay with one of my good friends Blackmoon_111, and I decided to have the name "Autumn", and she chose "Summer". Then, I we decided to add in Spring and Winter as siblings, Thus, Seasons was born. Two other characters other than the four girls made it through, actually. August - one of Blackmoon_111's characters - made it through and so did the girl's father.. But-*Clamps hand over mouth to stop self from spoilers*

What is the theme of your WIP?

Probably One against the world. Again. I'm so sorry I keep using this, but for this story I really mean it. I don't really listen to that much music, to be honest.

Which do you enjoy more; planning out your character development or your world?

Character Development, definitely. I haven't done much with the worlds part of everything, but I just love inventing characters, giving them backstories and such, but if I talk too much longer I'll answer the last question, so, moving on! :D

Do you have a set genre that you write to?

Nope! I like writing specific genres, but there are some you'd never catch me writing, like stuff against #RebelliousWriting (except for maybe 'crap' or something like that. I'm sorry, I grew up with being able to say not /swear/ words, just not /good/ words! Sorry!)

What would be your most dreaded genre to have to write?

Horror. I /hate/ the stuff.

Do you have a favourite character?

Do you mean a favourite OC? I'm just gonna go with that. One of my favourites (one you guys haven't heard much about) Is Liliana.
Another character I made for a game, her name is Elizabeth. She's awesome :D
And Autumn
And Angel
And Epsilon
And Alaska
And Lotus
And Heidi And.. I JUST CAN'T CHOSE! *Hugs them all*

If so, why are they your favourite? (If not, why don’t you have a favourite?)

Because I don't wanna pick between my ch-Oc's. It'd be wrong and I love them all. <3

Are you a nice writer or an evil one?

I'm sorry, but I'm an Evil one. I LOVE giving my characters mysterious and sad pasts, and making character's *Cough* Winter *Cough Cough* take a dark turn because of them. I even came up with a (really sad) backstory for a character that's probably not going to exist (Partially because they don't have a story to be written into.) Once again, I apologise to all my OC's.

If you could insert yourself into any part of your WIP in the place of your MC, what would it be and why?

Oooh. Umm.. I honestly have no clue, as I'm.. not the planning type. XD

Welp, time to wait twelve days in order to write the questions!

Wow. Okay. I've been trying to ignore the questions, and It's been, like, 20 (fourteen; I went back and checked twice) days since I started writing. O-o I'm just gonna let this tag go - I've tagged everyone with this, and I think we're pretty tired of it XD. Anyway, I'm gonna go and write other posts that I was waiting to write and Didn't because of this one :D Bye!


  1. I totally agree with the naming struggle. Like, it's so hard to come up with the *perfect* name ya know lol. I go through baby name websites to help though, and I think it's cool if the name is related to the character in some way XD

    Horror is also one thing I can't really stomach-- I'm a big coward lol. And CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, y e s. It's probably one of the most fun things to do when writing a story!

    All that aside, Seasons sounds like an interesting concept :) I saw an announcement you made saying that it's on Google Drive, so I'll definitely check it out ❤ Good luck with your writing!

  2. This is a fun tag!

    I actually say "crap" and "screw it" a lot, it was Catherine who decided to say that those were swear words in RW's book, and I was fine with it for the sake of more conservative readers and writers. :)

    Your book sounds really cool!!

    1. Thanks!

      Yeah, I should probably do that too XD

      Thanks again!

  3. I enjoyed reading this tag! :)

  4. Awesome job on the tag, Ral!:)

  5. Hey! Sorry it took me so long to comment. Anyways, loved this tag! I totally agree with you on naming characters. *nods* It's not easy. XD

    1. That's okie :D. Thanks! :D
      Yeah.. It's quite hard XD


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