Tagpost.. T_T

Hey Guys!

This is the Long awaited Tag Post! (By long awaited I mean I've been procrastinating it for faaarr too long ;-;)

If I tag anyone I'll tag them with the same questions that I did.. do ... thing...

Moooving on!

The First tag I'm gonna do is Mem's The Versatile Blogger Award (Thank you Mem!)

I Quote (From her blog)

So, for those who don’t know what the Versatile Blogger Award is, let me tell you. It has been created to feature and recognize blogs/bloggers that have unique content.
The Versatile Blogger says;
“Honour those bloggers who bring something special to your life whether every day or only now and then.”

Okay.. .D.

These are the rules:

Thank the person who gave you this award. (Thanks again, Mem!)
Include a link to their blog. (Okie)
Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. (Idk that I read that many blogs o-o)
Nominate those 15 bloggers for the VBA.
Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself. (Okay.. hmm)

If you've done this before, you don't have to do it again, but I don't know 15 people, so I'm just gonna name a bunch o' you guys .D.

Umm.. I'm running out of names T~T That's good for now .D.

Okay.. Umm.. Seven facts about myself..

1. I have a short Bob haircut,
2. I love Cheese
3. I'm the youngest child in my family
4. I'm also the only girl (Apart from my Mum)
5. I went through a week were all I did was read & I loved it
6. I love to play video games
7. And I roleplay all the time .D.

Okay, whew. First one's done.

Next one I'm gonna do is Slisby's and Andrea's Blue Sky Tags.. 
Here we go!

Slissy's questions:
1) What would your perfect room look like?
To be honest? I don't honestly know. Like, there'd be posters of movies I watched and loved (Spiderman: Homecoming, Wonder Woman, Thor: Ragnarok, Star Wars, etc..), a Whiteboard or Window wall and a bookshelf Wall.. and All sorts.. Books everywhere...

2) If your five-year-old self suddenly found themselves inhabiting your current body, what would your five-year-old self do first?
Okay, so this would be a bit awkward. Believe it or not, my five-year-old self was actually really shy and quiet, definitely introverted. So I'd probably freak out and go hide in my room or something... (And then see how many Blueberries I could fit in my mouth and try and steal Mum's computer mouse)

3) What was the best book or series that you’ve ever read?
Best Series:
Either Dragon Slippers (By Jessica Day George) or Percy Jackson (By Rick Riordan) 
Best Book.. I don't really know.. Umm.. I don't know, sorry :|

4) Was there ever a situation in your life where you thought to yourself, 'Wow, that escalated quickly..'?
Not really, but since I first read this question I've been trying to find one .D.
*I'm weird like that*

5) If you could time-travel to any time in the future or past, where/when would you go and why?
Skip :P

6) What would be the most amazing adventure to go on?
As long as there is Magic, Friends and an evil villain who I can defeat, maybe a tortured backstory or two, I'm happy.

7) If someone narrated your life, who would you want to be the narrator? (As in, a voice-over sorta thing.) 
Not my brother, though it'd be hilarious if he did. Umm. Maybe the Voice over person from Fairy Tail? (A show/anime I watch. If you wanna check it out Here's a link)

8) How different was your life one year ago?
*Laughs manically* You have NO Idea.

9) As the only human left on Earth, what would you do?
Go insane.

10) Which would you prefer; Amusement Park or Day at the Beach?
Need I say more? XD

11) Which fictional character would be the most boring to meet in real life?
I honestly don't know... Hm.. *Racks brain*
Probably.. I don't honestly know.. Sorry T~T

Andrea's questions:
1. Do you like cooking?
Yesss .D.

2. When's your birthday, and what would your ideal birthday be like?
My birthday is often near Easter, so my ideal birthday would be FULL of chocolate, swimming and hanging out with friends, probably .D. 

3. Favourite colour?
Blue. Definitely. .D.

4. Do you have any pets? (And if you do, can you include photos? Lol.)
I have Chocolate and Custard? I think they count..? (If not, I'm their pet..? I honestly don't know our relationship. This is them (Taken ages ago))

5. Got any hobbies?
Reading, Drawing, Writing, playing video games... Um.. I think that's it..?

6. If you could travel to any country in the world, where would you go?
Probably France, Partially because Ladybug, partially because it'd be awesome .D. Or Spain..

7. What's your favourite song?
I have a *LOT*
But specifically, I like these four (Not in any order):
(And almost any other RWBY song. These are all by Jeff Williams and Casey Lee Williams)
8. Do you wear braces (or have you ever worn them)?
I've never worn them o-o

9. Are you using this tag as an excuse not to do something else you have to do? (Because that's totally not what I'm doing?!)
Nope. It was mostly the other way round... XD

10. Are you on Instagram, and if your account is public, can you give me your username so I can stalk you? (If it's private I understand if you don't want to share it!)
...Nope, I don't have one. Shoulda mentioned this in the Seven facts thing, but I don't actually have a phone..

11. Do you think eleven is a ridiculously large number of questions to answer? (Or come up with??)
This is Technically the 29th question, so eleven isn't a large number of questions, but it is to come up with T~T

Now I gonna do the 'Of Rising Authors' tag from Andrea. Here are the questions:

1. What is the reason you write? 
I've always loved stories, so I want to make my own. Stories have always been a very special part of my life.

2. When did you write your first story? How old were you and what was it about? (Prepare to cringe, mwahaha.) 

*Sighs* I'm not sure, but I'll post part of one that I think I wrote when I was... eight..? Yeah, Eight. At least. I think. Idk

Hi I’m Lucy and this is my story when I got home from school something weird happened  there was a flash light on (we get home from school at 8:00) me and my little brother ran inside and there was the traitorous Peter! (he was known for sending people back in time). “Put my mum down!” I yelled “Yeah.”said my little brother “Why would I do that?” said  the traitorous Peter “Um... because uh?” I said  I saw mum wink at me and  then dropped  a piece of paper. I  picked it up it said “I’ll be fine you warn your dad and hurry!!!”
me and Joshua ran to dads work,with the traitorous Peter running after me and Joshua and we lost him then found dad and ran all the way home but it was to late all that was left was another note dad picked it sadly he read it in his head“I’m back in time at our marriage don't tell the kids I  am not sad that I’m back in time because I get to learn! I miss you all.

lots and lots of LOVE


*Shudders, then proceeds to die from shock that I wrote such a horrible thing* X-X

3. Do you have one particular word that, no matter how hard you try, you can't learn the spelling of? (Mine is "mischievieous" by the way. "Dissappear" also gave me a fair amount of grief.)
Probably "Definately" (Definitely) and 'Tongue", which is strange, because on a computer I can spell Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious with my eyes closed.

4. Do you sometimes feel that your characters take on a life of their own and start doing whatever they want? (Not… not that that happens to me… no… *sobs quietly*) 
... *Pats you shoulder, comfortingly*
*Comforts you*

But in answer to the question, Not really. Sometimes, maybe? But usually not.

5. Would you date one of your characters? (SORRY NOT SORRY) 

6. Imagine you could pick four fictional characters to invite to a dinner party, who would they be and why would you invite them? (They don’t have to be book characters, they can be TV show or movie characters too.) 
*Goes momentarily insane* *Pulls on hair*

Umm.. I can't choooseee
I'll just go with these four:
Annabeth (Percy Jackson - Cos she's awesome)
Creelisel (Dragon Slippers - She is also awesome (And cos I can't sew that well and it'd be awesome to be able to sew like she can))
Oskar Sarn (If you know who this is I will give you virtual Pizza. He's also awesome and me favourite in the series.)
Oliver Somethingorother (He was also awesome. He's from the Princess of the Silver woods, a book which I absolutely ADORE.)
7. If you could only read books of ONE genre for the rest of your life, what genre would that be? 
Fantasy. Definately
T_T I spelt Definitely wrong AGAIN
You see how much trouble this word gives me.

8. What would happen if you switched places with your MC? Or if your MC switched places with you, and had to live in your world? Explain. 
Heh.. Heheh.. Most of the events in the story wouldn't come to pass..

9. Do you sometimes come up with perfect characters, a perfect fictional world, and a perfect subplot, but you have no actual story to put them in? (I can’t be the only one….) 
Like, I have this really REALLY cool character that I invented and then immediately scrapped their story (Cos it was terrible) but I still LOVE the Character! .D.

10. Are you sick of answering questions by now? (Come on, be honest.)
Sorta. I started this post Early this morning, took a HUGE break and it's now, like, 6. I'm probably gonna take a couple o' days to do this.. XD

I'm gonna tag someone for the same questions Andrea asked me, so Bella, here're your questions (In bold):

1. What is the reason you write? 

2. When did you write your first story? How old were you and what was it about? (Prepare to cringe, mwahaha.) 

3. Do you have one particular word that, no matter how hard you try, you can't learn the spelling of? (Mine is "mischievieous" by the way. "Dissappear" also gave me a fair amount of grief.)

4. Do you sometimes feel that your characters take on a life of their own and start doing whatever they want? (Not… not that that happens to me… no… *sobs quietly*) 

5. Would you date one of your characters? (SORRY NOT SORRY) 

6. Imagine you could pick four fictional characters to invite to a dinner party, who would they be and why would you invite them? (They don’t have to be book characters, they can be TV show or movie characters too.) 

7. If you could only read books of ONE genre for the rest of your life, what genre would that be? 

8. What would happen if you switched places with your MC? Or if your MC switched places with you, and had to live in your world? Explain. 

9. Do you sometimes come up with perfect characters, a perfect fictional world, and a perfect subplot, but you have no actual story to put them in? (I can’t be the only one….) 

10. Are you sick of answering questions by now? (Come on, be honest.)

...It's the next day now, so technically for me it's Valentine's day, so Happy Valentine's Day!

And, in honour of this holiday *Cough Cough Or By accident Cough Cough* I'm going to do the 21 or 25 days of Christmas tag by Jassyyy .D. Thanks Jassy!! .D.

Here're the questions:

1. Would you rather, real tree or artificial tree?
Artificial, as I've never had a real tree. Though I'd choose a real tree if it came with real birds.

2. What was the weirdest thing you've been given for Christmas?
I don't honestly know. Uh.. I got a Onesie, if that counts as weird.. It's a bat one too, with little wings, eyes and a tongue.

3. Favourite Christmas Carol?
This is hard.. Joy to the World's pretty good.. Oh! It's probably We Three Kings  or Noel

4. Hardest family member person to buy for?
Either Mum or Dad. I dunno why, it's just hard T~T

5. Do you have a Christmas family tradition?
*Grins Evilly* So, aaaaaages ago, Christmas would get earlier each year, as we were too excited. It started at 2AM once I think..

6.What is your favourite (Christmas) treat?
Bullets. Or Christmas M&M's. Anything as long as it's Chocolate *Chocoholic*
(If you don't know what Bullets are, it's Black liquorice covered in chocolate)

7. From 1-10 how would you rate the year ?
Last year? If so, it'd be -10

8. Favourite Christmas joke?
I don't know.. *Googles Christmas Jokes*
I found two funny ones:
Q: What're the best books to read in the Holidays?
A: Lord of the Five Golden Rings
Q: How is the Alphabet different on Christmas then on any other day?
A: It has Noel
I'm sorry.. These are probably really really bad xD

9. Do you like the smell of cinnamon candles? (if you don't... well..I guess that's fine but man, you're 
missing out!)
I have never smelt one before o-o - what's it like?

10. Would you rather gift bags or wrapping paper?
I've rarely ever had wrapping paper, we usually just wrap gifts in fabric and then use the fabric again next year. So out of those two, I'd probably go gift bags.

11. Favourite Christmas story / Movie?
Santa Claus is coming to town. Hands down, one of (if not the Best and Only) best Christmas movie I've ever watched.

12. Would you rather a small group of friends and family for Christmas or the whole family?
Small group of friends and family. The whole family would be hectic, seeing as I have about 20 uncles and aunts. (Exaggerating)

13. Funny Christmas story?
Umm.. I don't really have any.. Sorry.

14. On a scale of 1-10 how do you rate the Christmas lights around your area?
Probably an eight or nine. They were really good!

15. Who do you think has it harder during the holidays? The kids or the parents?
Parents. They had to make a rule so we didn't get up at, like, midnight for Christmas .|.

16. Favourite Christmas dinner?
I don't honestly know.. This year's and last year's were pretty good .D. Though we usually have Christmas lunch instead of dinner, then just snack on stuff for dinner

17. Best Childhood present? (ever)
For Christmas? I don't know. Sorry that I keep saying that, "I don't know," But I've never really thought about stuff like this.. If birthday presents count, I'd go a little Raggedy Ann doll that I got when I was one. Mine looks like a much older version of this one:

(But without the blush on her cheeks and ribbons on her feet)

18. Easiest family member to buy for?
Hmm.. Last year, Psy was pretty easy. I bought him 'The Maze Runner' second book, but yeah.

19. Do you like gingerbread? Why or why not?
Sometimes. I'm a bit of a sweet tooth, so I prefer chocolate and sweeter stuff, but other than that, it's not bad .D.

20. Did you find this tag fun?
Yes .D.

21. Are you excited for this year?
Yes. It's already going good, as I accidentally met someone online in real life and they helped me make new friends. 

But anyway,

This pose is really long, so I'm gonna wrap it up now. See you!

Oh, and one last thing; if you have an idea for a post you'd like me to do (Snippets, Guinea pigs, or anything else) Please let me know! :)

See you all in the next one!



  1. My first tag post... I'm scared xD
    Also.. Finally! You did it! gg! :D

  2. I loved reading your answers! Your guinea pigs are adorable. <3 I died when I read about what you would do if your five-year-old self inhabited your current body...XD

    1. Thank you! Yes, they are quite adorable <3 XD

  3. I loved reading your answers!:) Your guinea pigs are so cute.

  4. D'aww! Chocolate and Custard look so cute!!
    Cool answers by the way! ^-^

    1. They say "Thank you, Kind, Reader!" (Or Rather, that was Chocolate..)


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