What?! Since when did I do this!?!?

So, before I tell you, please don't get mad at me.

I've had this idea for a while now. Just trust me on this.

Yep, I came up with two ideas for a tag.. I'm so sorry guys XD

So, I'm gonna do it & write the rules and questions, then tag people.

1. Make or find an image for this tag

2. Answer the five questions asked (Yes, five. I still need my sanity XD)
3. Tag at least one other person.

4. Come up with five other questions.
5. Thank the person who tagged you.
6. Choose ONE of your WIP's to use in the following questions.
7. You /may/ do Tag-me-backs (Tag the person who tagged you)

Thanks...Me? Um.. Mooving on.

I'm going to do.. Autumn (My MC) from Seasons (My Wip).

1.Describe you and your MC

I am a Mormon who has always loved art. I love hugs as well ( Though that may be obvious from the amount of times I tackle hug people :D ) and I've got about a billion WIP's, so, if I do this tag again I'll try and do a different WIP.

My MC:
Autumn is a shy, shunted girl. She's the best at combat, and her power is.. Well.. You'll find out. She's a lot like me (except she's shunted..) and.. That's about it so far. Except her Mother died and she lives with three siblings...
2.Tell us about the plot.

The Proelium tournament is is where every school picks four students from each of the four categories; Combat, Logic, Creativity and Stealth. When all sixteen players are chosen, that will form one team. Those sixteen players will eventually face about ninety-nine other teams, from other schools. Ninety-nine because 100 schools compete.
3.Any plot twists? (Don't tell us what they are, though)

Mooving on.

4.How would your story go if you were the MC?

Well, I'd probably loose the try-outs and everyone would- Ahahaha, No.

5.Would you rather: Be friends with the antagonist OR Be enemies with the MC?

Ooo. Why'd I give myself a tough question? XD Probably be Friends with the Antagonist. Because you do /not/ want to be on Autumn's bad side.. Trust me on this.

Welp, that's done! :D

Taggin' Time! :D

Jane (Yes, another one :P)
And Mem

Your questions are the same ones I did.
1.Describe you and your MC
2.Tell us about the plot
3. Any plot twists? (Don't tell us what they are, though)
4. How would your story go if you were the MC?
5.Would you rather: Be friends with the antagonist OR Be enemies with the MC?

Seeya next time! :D

Feel free to chat to me in the comments below! :D


  1. Awesome tag! (Even if you tagged me. :-( ;-D)

  2. Cool tag! And your WIP sounds awesome! :)

  3. Ooh, this is a really cool tag! That question at the end is EPIC. So difficult yet so cool.
    I think you've changed the blog's look since I was here last... I landed and then looked around thinking, "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore; Toto." XD

    ~Kendra Lynne
    Feel free to go check out my blog: https://talesfromanidealist.wordpress.com
    its private, but if you go to the link you can request an invitation to read it and I will grant it. There are a select few who are allowed to read it. :)

    1. Hey Kendra!
      Also, I don't have a wordpress acount, I'll look into it :D It'll probably be either Ralraymee or Psylova. If not, I'll let you know ! :D

  4. Ackk yes. *thumbs up* I will do this very cool tag.


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