
Hey art fans! Today for English we learnt what a Limerick is and wrote one! This is the one I wrote:

There once was a mum named Autum
And she said "Oh dear hon'
An apple a day
keeps the doctor away"
Said that awesome mum named Autum.

So the mum (who was from Kum) named Autum
Took the daughter to the doctor in Kum
And he said "What she needs is an apple
to keep on to keep on to chuckle"
Said that awesome doctor in Kum.

Here is my mum's:
There once was a cat named Stamp
It was dark and he needed a lamp
he found a small stick
and gave it a flick
then he and Squid went off to camp.

And another one from my mum is:

There once was a man who loved cake
But he didn't know how to bake
He got eggs, milk and flour
And made it quite sour
then he iced it and topped it with flake.

Here are my brother's ones:

Doctor Who once was in Tee
A place in earth's history
But he couldn't fight
he had no might
and he was beat up by Bruce Lee.

Next one:

The Doctor was cooking on T.V.
With a dalek who couldn't cook spaghetti
he helped dalek out
so they won the first bout
and the dalek had one thing to say

Next one:

The doctor had just regenerated
and was crashing over lion gated
the T.A.R.D.I.S. was failing
the doctor was wailing
it seemed a big crash was fated

As I said here is da new song click Here to watch

Thanks for reading I'll see you later

Peace out!


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