
Showing posts from July, 2017

#WIPjoy is spreading.. and now it's come here... Apparently...

*Gasps in horror at the title and forgets people will be reading this* Welp, I knew it had to come sometime or another... I knew it had to come.. but why, why now.. *Yells* Whyyyyyyyy!!! Yep, this is the first hashtag I've ever done. *Flails in horror* Welp, I've managed to keep it up for a good-... Ahahahah no. Not sharing my age on here. *continues to flail in horror* After a good amount of Flailing in horror, I'm back. *Realises I hasn't said Hi yet* Hi Now that's over and done with, let's get on with #WIPjoy. Soo Question time! (Apparently) Do I have to do all o' them? I'm just gonna do the ones Slisby  and Jane did. 1.Describe yourself and your WIP Ah... Which one? Since that question is left unanswered, I'm going to go with Epsilon from, well, Epsilon. I... Cannot describe me XD. I'm /very/ Bouncy and happy, I'm very social and I /love/ Writing and drawing, Minecrafting and reading. I'm very determined and I alwa...

Oh my Goodness AGAIN!!! XD

AGAIN With the Wisteria Writing Tag!!! XDXD (And Yes, I finally did a picture and Yes I found it online and stuck some writing in. :P) *Sigh* Let's do this before I start Procrastinating... Rules 1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. 2. Answer the ten questions asked. 3. Add ten (writing or book related) questions of your own. 4. Nominate people. Thanks Jasmine! (You know why... Our secret plan is working.. >:D) Alright, Let's do this... 1. What was the closest time ever your character came to perishing? Uuumm... (Still doing Epsilon by the way.) Probably when she fights Omicron at the end or when he randomly turns up out of the blue wanting a fight 2. Was your character close to his/her parents or were they very distant? Epsilon's parents died at a very  young age... Who killed them is a spoiler. 3. When was the last time your character felt scared? Like they couldn't do anything- helpless! Uumm.. I don't actually th...

I can't believe it!! I got tagged again, this time with the Wisteria Writing tag!! :D

So.. Hi... *stands there awkwardly* Uh.. I'm sorry I haven't been here since May... uhm.. On with the tag! (Before it gets too awkward :P) Rules 1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. (Thanks Sarah/Slisby. Slisby/Sarah's blog. ) 2. Answer the ten questions asked. 3. Add ten (writing or book related) questions of your own. (Which I'm probably going to be bad at...) 4. Nominate people. (I know who I'm gonna nomiate... >=D ) 1. Tell me a bit about your current story? :D (Who are the characters, what sort of struggles do they face-- anything really!) Well. My story (Well, one of them) Is about a girl named Epsilon who can't remember the past... *Forgets how long* Hang on.. *Remembers never wrote it down* Uum.. She can only remember the last three years of her life.. and then her friends (from her past she can't remember) turn up...  (Confusing Riddle/hint towards my story: The Villian is the friend.) 2. Do you prefer to w...