#WIPjoy is spreading.. and now it's come here... Apparently...
*Gasps in horror at the title and forgets people will be reading this* Welp, I knew it had to come sometime or another... I knew it had to come.. but why, why now.. *Yells* Whyyyyyyyy!!! Yep, this is the first hashtag I've ever done. *Flails in horror* Welp, I've managed to keep it up for a good-... Ahahahah no. Not sharing my age on here. *continues to flail in horror* After a good amount of Flailing in horror, I'm back. *Realises I hasn't said Hi yet* Hi Now that's over and done with, let's get on with #WIPjoy. Soo Question time! (Apparently) Do I have to do all o' them? I'm just gonna do the ones Slisby and Jane did. 1.Describe yourself and your WIP Ah... Which one? Since that question is left unanswered, I'm going to go with Epsilon from, well, Epsilon. I... Cannot describe me XD. I'm /very/ Bouncy and happy, I'm very social and I /love/ Writing and drawing, Minecrafting and reading. I'm very determined and I alwa...